
Börsendaten: Ad hoc Anouncements


Here you can find Ad-Hoc-Announcements of Gothaer Insurance Group from past five years.

Gothaer achieves growth in premium revenues and strengthens its capital base in the 2018 fiscal year

Gothaer achieves growth in premium revenues and strengthens its capital base in the 2018 fiscal year

2017 Financial Year: Gothaer Strengthens Substance and Drives Forward Group Restructuring

2017 financial year: Gothaer strengthens substance and retains good rating results

Change of consolidated financial statement from IFRS to HGB from 2018

2016 financial year: Gothaer posts sound result and again strengthens equity base

Addition to year-end press conference: Solvency II rate Gothaer Allgemeine 213 percent

2016 financial year: Gothaer strengthens substance and holds good rating results

Gothaer Allgemeine: Lohmann follows Leicht 2017

Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG calls a EUR 107.6 million subordinated bond

Financial year 2015: Gothaer Strengthens Equity Basis and Gains Market Share in Property Insurance

Leicht resigns from board of management of Gothaer

Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG: Completion of Tender Offer

Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG: Invitation to Tender

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Konzern Pressesprecherin, Leitung Presse und Unternehmenskommunikation

Referentin für Kompositversicherungen

Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG

Referent für Konzern- und Gesundheitsthemen, Kennzahlen

Gothaer Konzern, Gothaer Krankenversicherung AG

Referentin für Renten- und Lebensversicherung

Gothaer Lebensversicherung AG